Drone Jobs and

 Pilots for Hire

Drone Jobs

If you have a project that needs an FAA-certified drone pilot, please email us your name and contact information and a brief description of the job.  We will then forward your email to our list of pilots who have requested to be added to our job referral emails.  You can also directly contact one of the pilots who have requested that we add their contact information on this page.   

Are you looking to hire a drone pilot?

Are you a drone pilot looking for work?

Contact Air Web Digitat at:

(678) 769-5275    or    info@airwebdigital.com    or    airwebdigital.com

Skyworx is looking for LOCAL Ground Crew/Visual Observers

Las Vegas, NV:  Feb 18th

Tuson, AZ:  Feb 20th

Irving, TX:  Feb 25th

Respond with your email if you or someone you know is interested.  

Alden Skeie <Alden@skyworx.com>

Drone Job in Las Vegas, NV  (Looking for 4-5 drone pilots)

Airweb Digital is looking for multiple drone pilots to capture video of a funeral procession in memory of Anton Sigley, a 21 year old first responder.

This is volunteer work and the final video that will be created with your footage will be donated to the family for the memorial.

Click here for more information and to volunteer

Drone Pilots for Hire

If you are an FAA-certified drone pilot, available for paid or pro-bono work, send us an email.  Let us know if you want to be added to our jobs email list and/or if you want your contact information listed on this page.

Donald Hill          donhill@gmail.com               (714) 345-1114  LVHDP.com

Elliott Francis      efrannews@gmail.com             (202) 297-7563  Instructor for UAV Coach

Cameron Grant        cameroninlasvegas@yahoo.com     (702) 204-7269  The High Points.com

Willam Strong        skyviewlv@gmail.com             (702) 670-1967  SkyViewLV

Alex Brodnik         brodscapes7@gmail.com           (702) 720-8668  YouTube

Vaughn Heyer         V5@dronevideophotographyllc.com (805) 225-3243  Drone Video Photography, LLC

Charles Folashade Jr folashade96@gmail.com           (410) 709-8225 (VOIP) or (702) 202-8319 (Cell)

Thomas Seubert       SeubertMedia@gmailcom           (702) 884-0181  SeubertMedia.com

Ralph Blakemore      golacut1@gmail.com              (661) 303-5590

Tony Ramirez         tony@skyvdrones.com             (702) 381-5959

Brian Bartolome      uvdroneservices@gmail.com       (702) 907-2114  https://uvdroneservices.com

Why hire an FAA-certified drone pilot?

All drone pilots who fly drones for other than their personal enjoyment (as a hobby) are required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fly following all applicable federal, state, county, city, and local laws and ordinances.  Even if the drone pilot is not paid, if the purpose of the flight is to provide a product (ie: pictures or video) to someone other than the pilot, then the pilot must have a valid REMOTE PILOT CERTIFICATE.  If the pilot does not have a valid REMOTE PILOT CERTIFICATE, they can be fined and the person that hired them can be fined as much as ten times the fine imposed on the pilot.  See this article where  Federal Aviation Administration Fines Realtor® $11,000 For Hiring Unlicensed Drone Pilots.